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QCU branches will close at 2:00 pm on January 21st for an all-staff meeting. You can access your account 24/7 online or on the QCU mobile app!

Financial Literacy Month at Quincy Credit Union

Financial literacy

April is Financial Literacy Month, a nationwide initiative dedicated to empowering individuals to take control of their financial wellbeing. At Quincy Credit Union, we’re passionate about guiding our members through the maze of money matters. We do as much as possible to ensure our members can find a state of financial fitness, and Financial Literacy Month gives us the opportunity to spread awareness and educate our local community members.

Let’s take a closer look at why financial literacy is so important, and how financial education is key to Quincy Credit Union’s ability to provide unrivaled rates and financial services to its members.

Why Financial Literacy Matters: The Ultimate Advantage

Financial literacy goes beyond understanding how to create a budget; it’s about understanding your financial situation, setting achievable goals, and developing healthy financial habits to manage your money effectively. Someone who is financially literate will find themselves feeling empowered and confident enough to make informed decisions about savings, investing, borrowing, and planning for the future.

On top of the financial empowerment created by properly understanding finances, people with financial literacy can rely on increased levels of financial security that, in turn, take the stress out of financial matters. On the other hand, when someone is not financially literate, trying to budget, save, or plan for the future can be a stressful task that creates more problems than it solves. Understanding financial matters also makes it easier to identify and avoid financial scams that target vulnerable individuals.

Becoming financially literate will enable someone to hit their overarching financial goals. From buying a house to starting a business, every major financial decision will be easier to make when you’re armed with information and knowledge to back up your decision. Without this valuable education, major decisions can lead to major mistakes, crippling the financial future of the unlucky people who missed out on their financial literacy education.

Financial Knowledge is Power

At Quincy Credit Union, education is at the heart of Financial Literacy Month. We pride ourselves on providing our members with information they need to take charge of their finances and find the confidence they need to hit their financial goals. Financial literacy is for everyone, not just the wealthy. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a young adult beginning your financial journey, the more information you can rely on, the better.

We offer our members fantastic financial tools and expert educational content so that they always access the most recent information. Our blog covers recent industry developments, from the latest scams to tips on budgeting, and our financial calculators help users to estimate savings, returns, and rates in an instant.

Educating members is paramount at Quincy Credit Union, but so is educating the next generation of community members. We dedicate extensive time and resources throughout the year to running financial education classes for local children and teengers. These lessons are vital to impress the fact that financial literacy can begin young, and if it does, these young people will have a fantastic opportunity moving into adulthood with the ability to budget, plan, and save for their long futures ahead.

Find Financial Freedom at Quincy Credit Union

Financial Literacy Month is well underway, and there is no better time to start taking a serious look at your own financial fitness and make the necessary changes to ensure you’re properly planning for the financial future you want. Financial literacy is a lifelong journey, and taking small steps today can have a massive impact on your financial wellbeing far into the future.

And don’t forget, Quincy Credit Union is here to support you every step of your financial journey!


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