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Take advantage of our 4.99% auto loan rate just in time for the holidays

— now is the perfect time to buy a new car!

Personal Loans

Loan types and terms to meet your personal needs

We can help with financing

Save money on your monthly payments

Members who set up their loan automatically from their QCU  account will receive .25% interest rate  discount on eligible loans. It’s our way of saying thank you! It’s a win-win for everyone. 

Auto/Rec Vehicles

Get on the road with an auto loan that will make you drive happy! Rates as low as 5.24% APR. 

Personal Loan Rates


Loan Type Term APR with Auto Pay As Low As* Payment per $1,000
Recreational Vehicles Up to 120 months 7.74 12.00 Apply Now
Personal Loans Up to 48 months 12.65 26.65 Apply Now
Vacation Loan 12 months 11.40 88.57 Apply Now
Credit Builder Loan Up to 12 months 7.00% $86.53 Apply Now
Secured-Shares Up to 72 months 4.85% $16.04 Apply Now
VISA Signature Credit Card (Variable Rate) Revolving line of credit 17.75 N/A Apply Now
VISA Traditional Credit Card (Variable Rate) Revolving line of credit 8.74 N/A Apply Now
Fuel Assistance Line of Credit Line open October 15 to April 15. 5.00% $100.00 payment per month Apply Now

Featured Rates

APR as Low As
Personal Loans
APR as Low As
New Auto Loan

Membership benefits

Once you open your membership account with us, you and your family will have access to the many convenient products and services.  Why not take advantage of all the benefits that come with your QCU account?  

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